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What is the Network Marketing Circle of Success?
Before you read past this paragraph, I want you to draw a circle. Inside it draw a CND pattern so that the circle is divided into three equal segments.

In one segment write `Company', in another write `Product' and in the third write `You and Your Attitude' - these are the three segments of the network marketing Circle of Success.


No matter how long someone has been with their company, no matter what position they have within their company and no matter what they earn with their company, it is the same for everyone. It has

The same opportunity for everyone

The same management for everyone

The same distribution effort for everyone

The same commission structure for everyone


No matter how long someone has been with their company, no matter what position they have within their company and no matter what they earn with their company, it is the same for everyone. It has

The same products / services for everyone

The same research & development for everyone


No matter how long someone has been with their company, no matter what position they have within their company and no matter what they earn with their company, it is the same for everyone.

The ONLY VARIABLE in this Circle of Success is YOU and YOUR ATTITUDE!

If the Company and the Product are the same for everyone, the only variable is YOU. Every single person who joins your company has the same opportunity for success - be they the first person who joined or someone 20 years down the line.

I am sure that you have heard of people in your company who have made a real success of their Network Marketing business; likewise I am sure that you have heard of those who did not succeed.

This is down to Attitude.


Keep you on track

Make sure that you take responsibility for your actions

Help you stick to your Commitments, and

Keep you focused on your goals

You and Your Attitude 

Whether you earn $1 million a year from this network marketing business or $100 a year, You and Your Attitude is the only variable in the above equation!

Forget what you may have achieved in the past; listen and learn from people who have your best interest at heart (even though you may think that they are less educated or streetwise than you!). Remember, the only way your Upline Support Team can be successful is by helping you to be successful, too.

I like the following extract from an article by Tom `Big Al' Schreiter fortuneneow.com:

"Many [network marketing] distributors whine that they don't like the results from their choices in their lives. Have you ever heard these?

"But my sponsor doesn't help me." - (Guess who chose their sponsor?)

"The marketing plan is too hard." - (Guess who chose which company to join?)

"My bonus check is too small." - (Guess who produced a small volume of sales?)

Children don't like to take personal responsibility for their choices and the results those choices produce.

One of the big steps your distributors must make to become a leader is to stop acting like a child and to start taking personal responsibility for their choices."

I am sure that you will agree with me that Tom's article says it all!

Категория: earnings on the Internet | Добавил: Bedya (10.07.2011)
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