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Главная » Статьи » earnings on the Internet

Working From Home - What Really Earns You the Money
Well here's the secret to the exact three things that make you money in a working from home business:

1) Generating interest in your products or business.

This means generating leads, prospects or whatever you'd like to call them. Its getting someone to say "hey what you have sounds like what I am looking for tell me more". That's a lead.

With an internet based business you can get two types of leads - one with an email and one with an email and phone number. The one with a number is MUCH better and worth more. Your business wont survive if you don't get some with a phone number. And preferably as many as possible.

How many do you need? Depends on your business. For most network marketing start by aiming for 10 a day. When you are there you'll know if you need more or not!

2) Responding to that interest / leads.

Ok now I know this one sounds obvious. But we are talking here about the things that earn you money in your business. And this is one of them of course.

Respond as quickly as you can. Think about what sort of customer service you like to get and provide that where you can.

For those in Network marketing or Multi level marketing already who are working with a team. Your time spent mentoring also comes into this category. So yes we are always responding to fresh new leads. But we can also be working with existing clients, customers, team here too.

3) Working on yourself to get better at the first two.

This DOES earn you money. Because often your time management or skill in generating or dealing with leads can hold you back.

So you MUST work on yourself to get better at the skills you need to do numbers 1 and 2. No exceptions I'm afraid! This is the personal development part of your business and it can be the most valuable part.

So that's it - 3 things that earn you the money. Leave out any one of them and your home business wont go where you want it to. And that's for the life of your business it should be the same whether you've been in the business 1 month or 10 years.

Категория: earnings on the Internet | Добавил: Bedya (10.07.2011)
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