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The Network Marketing Business Model Works
Network Marketing is often seen in a very negative light, as something which does not benefit many people. However, if you look closely at the business model it is not that bad, it just depends on the particular company that you are working for and the way that they work.

How the business practice works is that the company take on sales staff. These sales people do not get paid but just earn commission. They earn commission on the products that they sell as well on recruiting other sales staff and getting a percentage of the commission that they make.

This means that you can earn money in two ways, directly and indirectly. Of course you may decided to just try to sell the product and make money that way or just recruit other sales staff and make money that way or do a combination of both. It may depend on which you have experience of doing or which you would rather try out.

The bad press that this type of pyramid scheme has got is often due to the fact that the sales staff do not make as much money as they might expect. This could be a problem for someone relying on the opportunity to make them a lot of money. However, it is best to go in to this sort of thing with very open eyes.

Read everything you can about the company and the opportunity. Find out exactly how much you will make per sale and when you will be paid and try it alongside your current job to start with and then see how well it is doing for you. As long as you are sensible and understand all about the network marketing ideal then you should be fine choosing to do it.

Категория: earnings on the Internet | Добавил: Bedya (10.07.2011)
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