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Women in the Network Marketing Industry
Though the problems in our world's economy haven't been solved yet, people are finding an alternative solution to earn money especially women. Yes, in fact, even moms at home are earning money and some are earning a lot of money in network marketing or the direct sales industry.

Women, who are re-entering the work force after taking time to raise family (if they were lucky enough to be at home), women who have been downsized, moved or if their spouse is all of a sudden out of work, and are possibly 40 years old or more are having the toughest time with securing a job, with more than part time hours or one that pays half decent.

Older women are faced with the reality of they are older, times have changed and their skills may not have been kept up to date, they may have some time restrictions due to the ages of their children, or the shock of maybe only being able to secure a minimum or slightly above wages.......which a single person can't live off of let alone a family and I haven't even mentioned child care expenses......sometimes it doesn't pay to go to work, but then the bills don't get paid either. Some women feel caught between a rock and a hard place. Those are just some of the reasons that women are taking their financial future and income into their own hands and joining a direct sales or network marketing company.

If it is in a direct sales home party company, with one evening out with other moms or adults, and maybe a couple of hours the next day putting in the order, chances are they are making more money than a minimum wage full time job which takes them away from their families. Then there could be one or even two more parties a week, that will only increase the income.

It's true that more and more people, and families are in debt. They have staycations, (you know vacations but they can't afford to go anywhere so they stay home), are living pay cheque to pay cheque, sometimes living off their credit cards just to make ends meet. So, I may have talked about women being paid less and coming back to a career and finding out their skills are outdated or something else, but in the network marketing / direct sales industry you can set your hours for the most part, you can earn while you learn, you are making new friends and meeting new people, creating new experiences, you are getting out of the house yet not missing all of your children's events, you can achieve bonuses, cars, earn free products and get recognition for their successes, some of which is missing in some competitive work places.

Women come into this industry for their own reasons, and many do well financially, some of the other benefits that come along with it are empowerment, confidence, freedom, friendships, entrepreneurship, trips, fun and memories that are created along the way. Whatever the reasons, the women that make the decision to make this their career are loving what they do.

Isn't that the way it should be?

Категория: earnings on the Internet | Добавил: Bedya (10.07.2011)
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