So What Is The Networkers Club?
The Networkers Club is a revolutionary state of the art, yet affordable, monthly membership service that offers point of sale savings off already competitive prices, from thousands of participating companies. With a club house membership you instantly receive unbelievable savings on travel, hotels, entertainment, sporting events, dining, merchandise and services. All of this and more for only 15$ a month!
Sounds great! Who isn't looking for a way to save money now days, right? But what if you could also make a little money at the same time?
That's right; The Networkers Club is a residual income business opportunity that helps you save money and make money at the same time. The best part is that the money that you can earn is not just a couple dollars here and there but you have the potential to be making $6456 a month! Ok, so how does it work?
Well, it very simple and easy The Networkers Club is a network marketing opportunity that allows you to earn a substantial residual income by helping others save money on a monthly basis with a club membership. Then you get paid for any member that falls below you up to 7 levels whether you sponsored them or not.
Basically all you have to do is help people save a little money and you can make money. The cool thing is that with a club member you will also have access to thousands of dollars in software downloads and e-books to expand your knowledge base in internet marketing and network marketing so you can build your business and start a great residual income business opportunity.
Just a quick recap, for 15$ dollars a month (plus 1$ for processing) I get incredible savings on things like dining out and hotels that will pay for the club membership many times over. I also have the potential to earn as much as $6456 just by helping other people save money. Then to top things off I have access to the tools needed so that I can find these people.