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Mastering the Network Marketing Maze
Network marketing is not nearly as difficult as most make it out to be. The problem is that most network marketers do not get properly started in their business endeavor. That is a THE WORST MISTAKE you could possibly make in your business.

If you were going to embark on a journey, whether it be a leisurely afternoon sail or a hike up Mt. Everest, you would insist on being properly outfitted for risk of discomfort or even death.

Building a successful network marketing business is no different than an afternoon sail or an epic mountain climb. You must have a plan and be properly outfitted to execute that plan in order to succeed. Failure is not an option.

If we understand network marketing for the maze that it is, then it would it not make sense to master the maze BEFORE we embark on our journey? Master the maze? That is correct, I just told you to cheat.

The way to solve a complicated maze is to cheat the maze. You begin from the end of the maze and work your way back through to the beginning. If you have never done this before, try it. You will finish the maze much faster with many fewer mistakes and headaches, plus you will save half an eraser and a pencil sharpening or two.

Cheating the maze is the fastest way to your ultimate success as a network marketer. How do you cheat the maze in network marketing? Simple. You begin with the end in mind. Learning what it takes to get to a particular goal, target or earning level in network marketing is the key to actually making it happen.

Now I am not advocating cheating! It is only a figure of speech. The optimal way to learn what it will take for you to get through your network marketing maze is to understand what it took for others to do the same thing. The best way to do that is to ASK them. Seek counsel from leaders and learn how they did what they did to achieve the success you wish to achieve.

That Lamborghini is not just going to appear out of thin air! They are not just going to pull up a truck one sunny day and surprisingly roll it into your driveway. You must earn it. You must solve the maze to receive those keys.

Maybe your dream is not to own a free Lamborghini. Maybe you dream about making an extra $500, $1000, $5000 a week. Maybe you just want to quit your job and stay home with your family. Maybe you want to make enough money so your husband can quit his job and your family can travel. Whatever your goal, you must begin with the end in mind. You must cheat the maze.

Consult your leaders and follow exactly what they did to get where they are at now. What is their plan for the future? How do they plan to get where they are going.

Read the books they have read. Take the courses they have taken. Follow the leaders they have followed. Follow the footsteps of leaders, as the they have already blazed the trail for you.

Once you have determined what it will take for you to achieve your goal, develop a plan and take action!

Begin with the end in mind, my friend. Cheat the maze. Your success depends on it.

Категория: earnings on the Internet | Добавил: Bedya (10.07.2011)
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