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The Network Marketing Industry - A Pyramid Scheme?
You often here of a lot of people refer to the Network Marketing Industry as a pyramid scheme. "All the people at the top make all the money, while others don't." You may also hear, "to make money at that kind of business you have get into it at the beginning, so you can make the big bucks."

Let's define the word pyramid. I look at a pyramid as your local Fire and Rescue department, for example. There a lot of firefighters, we'll call them entry level for the sake of explanation. One of the entry Firefighters gets promoted to paramedic, or engineer. Then after serving some time doing that, they can then make their way up to Lieutenant. After becoming second in command then there is the opportunity to  become the Captain of a particular station and make sure your team of fire fighters serve their area assigned properly. If you prove yourself overtime by being a moral , good , and ethical Captain and have the respect of the fellow citizens in the community and the team you have lead, then there is a possibly you can become the Fire Chief of the county. NOW this is what I call a pyramid, when there is one person at the top, making a lot more money and levering their ideas and having them implemented among the people below. Do you think for one second that the entry level firefighters are making the same amount of money as the Fire Chief? Of course not. This would cause nothing but pure chaos among the structure. Yes, it is a true pyramid when the person above you has a higher position, salary, and other things which you DO NOT have the opportunity to get until you have reached that particular status.

Is this same the same for Network Marketing Industry?

Donald Trump and Robert Kiyoski are the authors of the New York Times best seller, Why We Want You to Be Rich. In their book they dedicated an entire chapter on Network Marketing and Direct Sales and make the statement that if they lost everything and had to rebuild their wealth, they both said they would get involved in a Network Marketing /Direct Sales Business. This should speak volumes. I suggest you get a copy of the book if you have not read it.

So is the Network Marketing and Direct Sales industry a pyramid scheme? NO! Why? The potential income to be earned is equal. All who decide to become a part of the company have the same opportunity as anyone else who decides to join. You know what that is called, FAIR.

The Network Marketing Industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the United States alone. If you want to be given the same opportunity as everyone else and have the freedom to make as little or as much you want then I suggest you take a look at Network Marketing or Direct Sales.

There are a lot of companies that have a lack of leadership, tiny commissions to be earned on their products or services, and have no business marketing system. Working hard at this industry and staying with it for the long haul and making it your only business, then you need the leadership, the bigger payouts, and most importantly the marketing systems. If you are lacking any of these, chances are you are going to get frustrated and give up before you give yourself a chance to have it all.

Категория: earnings on the Internet | Добавил: Bedya (10.07.2011)
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