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Earn Using Social Networking - Friendships Can Make Money
Many businesses are learning that they can earn using social networking. They are learning that they can form profitable friendships and remain within the rules of the many social networking sites on the web. This has literally opened up a new revolution in internet marketing. No more do people have to rely on just buying ads, developing email lists, and embarking upon the many other internet marketing techniques. Social networking provides an entire network of leads in a short period of time.

Here is how you can make these online friendships profitable for your business:

· Make sure you talk to them. Don't just add them and then let them be. They are people and they need attention from your company. It takes an individual an average of 26 times to see something before it burns itself into their brains. Make sure you leave comments, thank them for being a friend, and make sure you interact with them in all ways possible.


· Stay up on birthdays and other happenings. If someone is having a birthday, wish them a happy birthday. Those wishing to earn using social networking will find that this makes a difference. If someone announces in a bulletin that they're expecting, then a congratulations is in order.

· Let them interact with your blogs. You may even want to include some interactive elements on your page. Many social networking sites are now implementing apps in order to make pages a lot more fun and interesting. Add applications that they can interact with.

· Make sure you write blogs that are of interest of them. You can throw something in about your business, but make sure you hit on some special interest topics. Those who earn using social networking are notorious for this. So just make sure you remember that they're more than just dollar signs. You have to appeal to them on an emotional level in order for them to do business with you.


They are exposed to a lot on social networking sites. If you really want to earn using social networking, then it is important that you do all of these things. You'll notice an incredible difference in the amount of traffic coming to your website and you'll even notice a difference in your profit. Even when you start bringing in more sales, keep up the good work. You'll just bring in more and more and even make more friends.

Категория: earnings on the Internet | Добавил: Bedya (10.07.2011)
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