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Use the Fruits of iPhone Application Development to Generate Laughter
Just like computers and various computer applications, the apps on iPhone too are great at making life easier, increasing productivity, saving time, and saving money. But that's not the best part of the iPhone apps for me.

I love the wacky iPhone apps that help me shock and scare and prank people around me. I've compiled a list of the seven best prank apps you can get on iPhone. They are my personal favorites and you might not find all the ones you like here, but you'll surely find some new pranks and trick iPhone apps to scare your friends and enemies!

The following are the pranks that make me thank god for iPhone application development and the crazy, creative talent it attracts:

iBroke: You love your iPhone, don't you? What if its screen cracked, suddenly and inexplicably? How would you feel looking through the shattered screen of your iPhone? i Broke makes the screen appear broken and its pretty good at simulating a broken screen. Get your friend's iPhone for a while, hand the 'broken' phone back, and apologize. Then take a snap of their dumbfounded expression with your iPhone!

iBeer: Your iPhone can do almost anything and it has got a large memory... surely it can store a pint of beer? You can drink beer directly from your iPhone after downloading this app. Just tilt you phone and the beer level on the screen will drop accordingly; it also allows you to pour beer into your friend's iPhone if he's got the app installed! Go for it.

Ghost Prank Pro: Are ghosts for real? Do they really exist? Have you seen those grainy images with a blurry (usually white and smoky) outline? Ghost Prank Pro is a result of rather clever iPhone application development process, and it allows you to overlay 'ghost' images on any photograph you have. The planking possibilities with this app are immense!

iFart: Farts are almost as good as someone falling down when it comes to evoking laughter. This app is the prankster's bread and butter. It's got over 30 fart sounds, and you can create waves of laughter by making it appear that someone has fart. Works best when the sound of fart breaks complete silence.

The Ultimate X-ray: Tout this app as the pinnacle of iPhone application development and amaze your friends with what your iPhone can manage. This app turns your iPhone into an x-ray scanner, or at least makes it look like that! This app will overlay x-ray of a hand while you move it over your hand it's very convincing!

iBug: Got any friends who are really afraid of insects? This app will make it look like there is a bug crawling over your iPhone screen. You can choose from among a number of different bugs, and this app works so well you will get pranked yourself when the bugs suddenly cross the screen.

iLabyrinth (iPhone Screamer): An old, old trick that seldom fails. iPhone screamer is dangerous: the person holding the iPhone is more than likely to drop the cell; he/she may even throw it away! It comes disguised as a simple game. You are supposed to pass a silver marble through a labyrinth of holes. While the game is moving smoothly, a horrible, demoniacal face will pop up and scare the hell out of you!

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